5 Reasons You Need Vehicle GPS Tracking

GPS Tracking Benefits

Global Positioning Systems (GPS) have proven to be an indispensable feature for all drivers, helping them in navigating to unknown locations and even changing their routes in times of high traffic. However, another use for the GPS system is quickly establishing itself as being just as useful for motorists of all kinds: vehicle tracking. It may sound like something that only cops employ, but the average citizen can find that services like Ituran’s DriveIt come in handy for a multitude of situations. Here are four reasons you need vehicle GPS tracking.

Locate Your Vehicle Anywhere with GPS Tracking

This may be the most obvious reason for why you might want something that helps you track your car. That is because people frequently forget the location of their car. You could walk around an entire stadium if you can’t recall the section of that massive parking lot where you left it. If you did street parking in a big city and find yourself unable to remember the street, you might have to cover even more ground – which might include tourist-unfriendly areas.

You can even take it to the next level and set electronic parameters, so you can be notified if the vehicles are in or out of specific areas. For example, if you share with a teen driver who commutes to school, you can be notified if your car’s heading to the beach instead – so you can know your teen is safe. Having a tracking system can save you all that trouble and show you exactly where to find your ride.

Feel Safe with Stolen Vehicle Recovery

No one hopes to become a victim of grand theft auto, but it can happen to anyone. However, even in the event that someone actually does steal your vehicle, you can at least be secure in knowing exactly where it is at all times with GPS tracking. More advanced stolen vehicle recovery services can send word of the theft not only to you but also to local police. You will all receive the location of the car in real time, allowing officers to stop the crime and swiftly reuniting you with your vehicle. This is not science fiction – DriveIt has been used to help stop carjackings.

Remotely Disable the Starter

Related to the above is the ability of certain vehicle GPS tracking systems to unlock the doors and turn the car starter on and off, even when you’re not in it. Using only an app on your cell phone, you can do this for a number of practical applications in daily life. More importantly, it can be particularly convenient in emergencies. If someone is trying to access your car, you can send a signal to the car’s tracking system that shuts it down. When you do that, it will only start again when you authorize it – and no amount of carjacking can change that.

Receive Alerts for Towing

People trying to break into your car are not the only case where you might want to know where someone is taking it. When a tow truck comes for your vehicle, the tracking system installed in it can alert you when your vehicle is being towed and where you can find it afterward. All you need to do is connect the tracking system to your phone number or email account and you can receive messages if the vehicle gets towed.

Get Low Voltage Alerts

Picture yourself leaving the office or the mall, getting into your car, and finding yourself unable to start it because the battery is dead. Drivers everywhere dread this scenario, and worse, they’re often unprepared because they just don’t expect it to happen to them. With a GPS system, you can be alerted if your vehicle’s battery voltage is dropping, and you can prepare for getting it replaced well ahead of time. That way, you don’t have to worry about you or your loved one getting stuck somewhere with a dead battery.

These are only five reasons you need vehicle GPS tracking, and DriveIt comes with many other features that can make your life easier. Learn more about how our excellent consumer solution can help you.