4 Expert Tips on Choosing the Best Fleet Management Software

Choosing the Best Fleet Management Software

Every business has its own needs. You might not think you need fleet management, but in order to have a valuable working system, this software is a must. When it comes to choosing the perfect fleet management software for your company, there are many factors to consider. Whether you’re looking to monitor your drivers’ efficiency or are measuring your business’ profitability, fleet management software is a game changer.

Here are our four expert tips on choosing the best fleet management software:

Real-Time Stats

Depending on your business, you may benefit from real-time information regarding your vehicles. When choosing a fleet management software, be sure that you’re receiving real-time information about your driver’s behaviors. This should include a satellite view of the driver and even a vehicle history report. In order to benefit from real-time stats, a secure and user-friendly website is crucial. When looking for fast and accurate data, manageIt will never let you down.

Improve Driver Behavior

Every business can benefit from improved driver behavior. The best fleet management software can track real-time information about the driver’s habits. For instance, braking and abrupt acceleration, speed turns, speeding and other irregular behaviors. Once the report is generated and sent to the owner, you will have precise information on the areas where your drivers need improvement.

With Ituran’s manageIt, you are notified when the driver is speeding above the posted speed

limit, driving aggressively, harsh braking and/or accelerating for a total of 21 maneuvers that are

being tracked by the system. Ituran’s system records all of the events and adds it to the driver’s evaluation report. With these exact statistics, business owners can encourage and teach safer driving techniques.

Vehicle Monitoring

For businesses working in less safe areas, vehicle monitoring is necessary. Every fleet management software should include stolen vehicle recovery services, many geofencing and landmark notifications, and driver identification technology. In order to maintain an efficient fleet, vehicles need to be kept in the right hands. Protect your assets with Ituran’s manageIt.

Vehicle monitoring will also notify you via text message or email when one of your vehicles have been idle for an extended period. A lack of movement could mean one of your drivers is in trouble, taking too long at a job, or even asleep in a parking lot.

Limit Expenses

Fleet management provides a substantial improvement in expenses. By curtailing fuel costs, preventing driver accidents and unauthorized use of your vehicles, expenses may drastically decrease. There isn’t one business that couldn’t benefit from saving money in fleet management. When you have a more efficient and safer fleet, you can invest in other business necessities.

Ituran’s manageIt is a state-of-the-art fleet management software that is changing the lives of business owners. This technology significantly reduces fleet costs through tracking and controlling of your vehicles and drivers, so you can always be confident your assets are in the right hands. With a 24/7/365 customer service team, you can have peace of mind. Ituran has everything you need for asset protection.1-954-494-2022